Intellectual Property Rights and Privacy law (GDPR)
Intellectual property law is a collective term for rights on developed ideas and creative concepts, such as texts, photos, inventions, and trademarks. These intangible goods can be protected by intellectual property rights.

The most well-known intellectual rights are copyright, trademark, patent, and design and model rights. Lesser-known rights such as database rights, plant breeder's rights, semiconductor chip rights, protected designation of origin, trade name rights, or neighboring rights are also intellectual property rights that can offer protection for your business.
An intellectual property rights specialist can assist you in protecting your intangible assets such as your logo, trade name, and domain name, but also in recognizing infringements of these intellectual rights. An intellectual property lawyer is familiar with the various application conditions and is an expert in the many Belgian and European laws and legal precedents concerning these matters.
In addition to intellectual property rights, privacy law is more strictly regulated than ever before. In the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), various obligations are imposed on companies and organizations when collecting, storing, and managing personal data.
We are all familiar today with privacy statements, cookie declarations, and other privacy policies. They are essential for thoroughly and adequately managing the data of clients and staff. Employers and employees, as well as companies and individuals, can consult a privacy law attorney with questions regarding the concrete application of the GDPR.
Questions about your own situation?
If you have questions about intellectual property rights or privacy law (GDPR), do not hesitate to contact our office so that we can assist you with advice and action.